almost white loaves

February 7, 2012 § 22 Comments

TWD bakers kicked off 2012 in the Baking with Julia cookbook with Craig Kominiak’s “White Loaves”, a simple and relatively quick yeasted pan bread. Since we rarely eat white bread at home (although my husband loves baloney on white bread with yellow mustard sandwiches), I added some whole grain flour to the two batches I made. I made honey whole wheat and whole wheat cinnamon raisin variations of the recipe. The cinnamon raisin bread was great for breakfast toast, and even kept well (since I was toasting it) for almost a week. The honey whole wheat was just slightly sweet, so made a good sandwich loaf; I froze it sliced since I knew it wouldn’t be in the freezer for more than couple of weeks. I made a couple of adjustments for altitude (5000′), the whole grain flours and to make a moister bread. I only used 6 of the 7 cups of flour, 1 1/2 cups of that as whole wheat or a blend of whole wheat and emmer. I like a longer rise time (to develop flavor and texture) so used less yeast (2 teaspoons) and only used warm water for the first 1/2 cup, the rest was room temperature. I melted the butter (make sure it’s not too hot) and added it to the yeast mixture just before the flour just to avoid the mess of kneading the butter in later. I let the dough bulk rise twice, since it was now a wetter dough. After the loaves proofed, I scored them before baking (I like the look and the bread usually has better oven rise), and had a pan of hot water in the oven to provide steam during baking. For the honey whole wheat I substituted honey for the sugar; for the cinnamon raisin I increased the sugar to 1/4 cup and added the zest of an orange to the dough. I also made a flat icing to drizzle over the loaves after they cooled from the orange juice and some powdered sugar. It almost tasted like coffee cake!

Melted butter in yeast and water mixture

Sprinkle cinnamon sugar and raisins over dough before rolling into a log shape

Roll into “logs”

Fold ends over

Place seams down in buttered loaf pan

Almost doubled and fully proofed

Score just before baking

Just out of the oven

Sweet! Glazed with orange icing

The first slice

The last slice, toasted

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